Sustainable Spirituality
Maintaining Faith in the Face of Adversity
All of us will, in one form or another, experience hardship and misfortune. The common plight of humanity is the experience of adversity, suffering, sickness, or other difficulties. Life can seem strenuous and unreasonably hard and challenging. Our faith is constantly tried and tested. But the pain we experience, the trials we undertake are never wasted opportunities. They will increase our spiritual education and help us develop patience, faith, fortitude and humility. Life’s trials will help us build our characters, purify our hearts, enlarge our souls, and make us kinder and more caring children of God.
The development of sustainable spirituality draws us toward living with compassion so that all people on this planet may be sustained. Sustainable spirituality creates an understanding of the underlying connection between the spiritual practice which provides meaning and purpose in our lives and the rest of humanity. Sustainable spiritual practices offer us a deep inner conviction as well as an encompassing compassion for all of God’s other children on Earth. In this book you will: